VOCO Profluorid Varnish Tube Melon (10ml)


Melon – Profluorid Varnish is a tooth shaded protective varnish with fluoride for desensitising teeth.

Each box contains 1 tube with 10ml of varnish

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Manufacturer: VOCO

Profluorid Varnish is a tooth shaded, protective varnish with fluoride for desensitising teeth and for treatment of exposed root surfaces, cervical defects, damaged enamel and carious lesions as well as for sealing dentine tubules during cavity preparation. VOCO Profluorid Varnish is simple to use, economical, adheres well to moist surfaces and forms an equally stable and durable protective coating. Thanks to its sodium fluoride content of 5%, VOCO Profluorid Varnish effectively contributes to fluoridation and thus the remineralisation and fortification of tooth substance. VOCO Profluorid Varnish has a pleasant fruit flavour (melon), so that it is especially well-suited for the treatment of patients with limited compliance, e.g. children.

  • Tooth-shaded varnish
  • Easy to apply – with excellent adhesion even to wet tooth surfaces
  • Pleasant fruity flavour
  • Economical application in thin layers, high yield

Flavour: Pleasant Fruity Melon

Packing: Each box contains 1 tube with 10ml of varnish

Safety Data Sheets


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